I am honored and grateful to work with individuals as they heal from past trauma, grow in their empowerment, deepen their spirituality, and become more fully alive in their body. My background as a spiritual healer, bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®, Rapid Rewire Method® coach, and shamanic healing practitioner informs the services I offer and how I work with clients.

I landed on this planet in 1980, where I was surrounded by love and support from my parents and grandparents. Where I didn’t receive the support I needed was in our family’s evangelical church. As I entered my adolescent years, I began to put a significant amount of energy into denying my sexuality. Ideas from the church about what God wanted for my life and what was an acceptable expression of sexuality ruled my interior. This eroded my self-esteem, self-love, and sense of belonging. It wasn’t until I slowly began to accept my sexuality and come out to those around me that I started to love myself and to feel like there was a place for me in the world.

Undoing the damage from how I internalized evangelical Christian beliefs required time, feeling my emotions, and help from others. I first sought help through psychotherapy, a modality of great service. Later, I attended gay men’s support groups offered by my college’s counseling center. Eventually, I sought healing through attending retreats, workshops, and classes - I was ALL IN. Resolving the resentment toward Christianity was not easy, and while I was in it, I was sure I would always resent my parents and the church. I needed to go through a period of blaming and judging them to get to the other side. I learned if we are unwilling to acknowledge and consciously release our pain and trauma, it will run our lives in subtle or more obvious ways. Being angry and scared was a necessary process that eventually led to gratitude, acceptance, and forgiveness. Going through this daunting process has significantly influenced my compassion towards and desire and ability to work with clients who lack a sense of wholeness or belonging because of religion.

Diving into my own healing, set the stage for the work I do now.

I began studying and learning from spiritual teachers and healers in 2007. Immersing myself in different spiritual teachings and healing techniques has enriched my life immensely. Learning healing modalities over the years allowed me to incorporate multiple approaches in working with clients. As with most crafts, healing tools are refined over time--some are put on the shelf, and some stay

ready in the tool belt. I have found that shamanic healing modalities are a framework where I can most powerfully assist clients in their emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Further, using intuitive skills to bring insight and information to clients’ lived experience produce enduring positive change and supports clients in taking action in their lives. This empowerment allows clients to trust themselves and make decisions to better their lives. I’ve been refining these tools for over a decade, and I’m constantly inspired by how they grow and change.

I discovered my calling to be a healer when I was 27 years-old.

In 2009 I began to lead and support residential healing retreats for groups of men and women in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. At that time, I started working with Leonard Jacobson and realized one of the primary responsibilities of a healer is to help clients recover the energy they have stuck in the past. I quickly realized the only way to access that energy is through presence truly. 2013 while living in San Francisco, I stumbled upon a shamanic practitioner and received a soul retrieval in his office. The next day, I knew I was to become a shamanic healing practitioner. The universe quickly supported me in realizing that calling by delivering me a teacher and community of practitioners in Seattle. Within a matter of weeks, I moved to Seattle and began training. In 2016, I started seeing clients in a tiny yet cozy office in the Fremont neighborhood. In February 2022, after a pandemic-related break, Scott Weatherman Healing Arts moved to a new location in the Fremont neighborhood. Offering trauma healing, sacred intimacy, shamanic bodywork, and psychedelic integration represent the evolution of my personal and professional commitment to the practice.

My formal work as a healer began with massage therapy and Reiki healing in 2008.

Choosing to work with a healer is an important decision.

If you’d like to talk with me about my work before scheduling one of my services, you’re welcome to do so, I offer 45 minute consultations at no-charge.